Evaluations and Assessments
Learn how your child responds to the world around them
Goals of Assessments and Evaluations
Evaluations are intended to provide knowledge of how your child learns, processes information, and regulates his or her emotions. A psychoeducational evaluation will provide a clear understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses concerning learning and emotional needs. The gifted testing assessment will help determine placement for gifted magnet programs, advanced work, and more. The autism assessment will help determine the next steps for a child who may be on the spectrum.
A private evaluation may result in a diagnosis that can be shared with pediatricians, psychiatrists, and schools to guide treatment and support. With this knowledge, you have the tools to become the best advocate and informed member of your child’s educational team.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Gifted Testing

Autism Testing
Frequently Asked Questions
Talking to your child about testing
The Youth Assessment Process
When your child comes in for an assessment, we start with an IQ and academic evaluation. Based on the findings, we can decisively move forward in the evaluation process on how to best support your child’s needs. Comprehensive evaluations typically take two to three sessions, with 2-3 hours dedicated to each session (depending on the age of your child). We keep the process fluid to ensure we are responding to the results and needs of each child. Possible activities include puzzles, word games, learning your child’s likes/dislikes, understanding your child’s responses to questions, etc. Our evaluators use different assessments in order to help determine what the best course of action is for your child’s educational intervention.
For young children, it may be important to let them know that this is a “different kind of doctor” who helps them learn about their brain. Similar to a “brain detective,” we give tests to find evidence of what is easy and what is hard. Remind your child that they are not sick and there is nothing wrong with them – also, no shots!
Older children may need a reminder that this is a confidential and private process, focused on finding solutions. Their input is extremely important to figure out what will be most helpful for them.
Starting the Evaluation and Assessment Conversation
We’re looking forward to working with your family! Introducing the idea of an assessment to your child may feel tricky, but it’s important to talk it through. The conversation may sound something like this:
I’ve noticed you’re working really hard at ____ this year, but it still seems pretty tough, and I’m not sure why. I’ve been thinking that if we knew more about how you learn best, your teachers and I could do a better job teaching you. Last week, we met with a person who can help us find a way to make school easier for you and figure out what we can do differently.
While your child may not agree on the problem that brought you in as a parent, we can often find something that he/she does want to work on, and that gives us a way to move forward. Explaining the evaluation process may sound something like:
The evaluator will do different activities with you to figure out how you learn best, where your strengths are, and why some things are hard right now. Some will be fun, some will be easy, and some will challenge you. Your job is just to do your best, and if something is tricky, let the evaluator know so you can work together to figure out why!
To learn more about the evaluation process, how to continue the assessment conversation with your child, and what to do if your child doesn’t want to be assessed, visit our blog: Talking to Your Child About Testing.
Getting their input
Helping your child to articulate their own assessment questions will not only help me help them but will get them more invested in the process itself.
Kids may need a little time to mull it over and get their thoughts together, so don’t be afraid to ask a few times. This may sound something like:
There are things I’d like to know to help me support you better, but I’m wondering what you’d like to know about how you learn, or why certain things are easy, and others are hard? If you can’t think of anything right now, that’s ok. I will ask you again tomorrow and we can try to write down a list together. That will make sure that the work you do with Dr. (Stacie, Sarah, Hanna) is as helpful as possible.
Describing the Process
When your child comes in, we will do different activities to help me better understand how they work with different types of information. We will do puzzles, play word games, chat about what they like to do, and try to figure out why some things are hard and other things are easy.
For young children, it may be important to let them know that I am a “different kind of doctor” who helps them learn about their brain. Similar to a “brain detective”, we give tests to find evidence of what is easy and what is hard. Remind your child that they are not sick and there is nothing wrong with them – also, no shots!
Older children may need a reminder that this is a confidential process, focused on finding solutions. Their input is extremely important to figuring out what will be most helpful for them.
Explaining the process may sound something like:
Dr. (Stacie, Sarah, Hanna) will do different activities with you to figure out how you learn best, where your strengths are, and why some things are hard right now. Some will be fun, some will be easy, and some will challenge you. Your job is just to do your best, and if something is tricky, let Dr. (Stacie, Sarah, Hanna) know so you can work together to figure out why!
What if my child doesn't want to be assessed?
If you are worried your child will resist coming in for an assessment, you are not alone! Here are some tips for setting it up for success.
Tip #1: Use your child’s words to describe the problem
Many children resist testing because it feels like adults don’t get it. For this reason, it can be helpful to think about how your child is describing the problem.
For example, instead of “writing is hard,” they may say, “writing is boring” or “my teacher is unfair.” By using their language, you are assuring them that we will help them solve their problem, not just ours. This might sound like:
I’ve noticed that you really don’t like your math teacher this year. I’m wondering if there’s a way we could make that class better for you.
I’ve noticed that we are in a bad nagging cycle around homework. I know you don’t like it and I don’t like it either. I wonder if there’s a way we can break out of it.
I’ve noticed you’re getting in trouble a lot this year and it doesn’t seem to make sense. I wonder if there’s a way we can figure it out together.
I heard you say that you hate school, and I can totally see why! Let’s see if there’s a way to change that.
Tip #2: Talk “over ice cream”
Some children may be worried they’ve done something wrong, or that there is something wrong with them. For this reason, I recommend talking to your child in a place where it is obvious that there is nothing wrong and they are not in trouble. Having a bowl of ice cream, taking the dog for a walk, or playing catch are all good ways to have a conversation without it feeling too “serious”.
Tip #3: Let them know it’s not mandatory
If your child is having a really hard time, we will work together to figure it out. The first step is letting them know it’s not mandatory. Keep in mind that we can get a lot of information about what might help your child in other ways, and if your child is resisting, the actual tests we do are unlikely to be valid.
Besides, giving a child the choice often makes them more likely to participate because it:
Shows them respect
Establishes trust
Gives them choice and control over the situation
Gives space for the child to voice their concerns without a contingency
Allows us as adults to figure out ways to address those concerns so they can be an active participants in the future
Your child is welcome to come in for a “non-committal” first session just to check me out. While 99% of the time we end up moving forward, if for some reason we are not able to do so at this time, we have established a relationship so that your child can come back when they are ready.
This may sound like:
It makes sense that you don’t want to do the testing. I can imagine I would be a bit unsure about it too! I’ll respect your decision if you decide you really don’t want to do it. At the same time, I want to make sure that you have all the information before you make your final decision. Would you be willing to meet with Dr. (Stacie, Sarah, Hanna) once just to see what it’s all about?
While your child may not agree on the problem that brought you in as a parent, we can often find something the child does want to work on, and that gives us a way to move forward.
We are excited to start working together to learn more about your child’s amazing mind!