Updates from our Herrera Psychology Team
How Your Child Will Benefit from Psychoeducational Assessment Testing
Any parent is likely familiar with standardized testing for their children. Once a year, our kids go through standardized testing, sometimes known as student assessments. The testing evaluates learning basics and can be an important tool for both parents and...
Covering the Costs of Therapy
Therapy has proven to be wonderfully beneficial for children, helping them develop into mature and well-rounded adults. Unfortunately, for many parents, therapy can be expensive and inaccessible when they need it most. Those expenses can make mental health...
How to Stop a Child Meltdown: Now and In the Future
Picture this, you’re in a crowded grocery store with your child; it’s stressful, there are loud noises and stimuli everywhere and your child starts to feel overwhelmed and then comes the meltdown. If you’re a parent, that scenario is probably fairly easy to...
Starting with Teletherapy for Kids
As you search for ways to help your child thrive in the world around them, you may have determined that therapy is a good solution. Many parents, just like yourself, have questions about where to start and what the best move forward should be with therapy....
Learning Disabilities and Accommodations
Every child brings special talents to the world. Some children do better in a traditional school setting than others. To help students who may struggle, accommodations can give all students the opportunity to have a full school experience. Accommodations do not...